The main raw material is wheat flour, biscuits, and then add the sugar, oil, eggs, dairy products and other accessories. Depending on the formulation and production processes, cookies and biscuit can be divided into two categories biscuit.
Biscuit is characterized by a more concave shape of flower stamp, surface pinholes. Products smooth surface, cross-sectional structure level, there is a sense when chewing crunchy, chewy, crunchy its unique characteristics. Compare biscuit with sugar and low-fat crisp bread. Usually the amount of sugar with 30% or less, 20% less fuel consumption. Biscuit is characterized mostly embossed stamp shape, pattern clear, fine structure, 14% to 30% of the amount of flour. Some special products sweet loose, grease can be used in an amount up to about 50%.
Biscuit: wheat flour, sugar, oil as the main raw material, adding a leavening agent and other accessories, the cold powder technology blending flour, roll, roll printing or punch, baked into the shape of flowers, mostly convex cross section structure rendered porous tissue, loose texture of baked goods. Such as butter cookies, crackers Congxiang, sesame crackers, eggs, biscuit and so on.
Biscuit: wheat flour, sugar, oil as the main raw material, adding a leavening agent, improver and other materials, the heat transfer process powder pink, roll, cut rolls or prints, graphic baking flower made more concave appearance smooth, flat surface, eye of a needle, section layered, crunchy baked goods. Such as milk cake, vanilla cake, egg flavor cake, cake Mary, Boston cake.
Fermentation (soda) cake: wheat flour, sugar, oil as the main raw material, yeast as leavening agent, adding a variety of materials, fermentation, adjusting powder, roll, stack, crunchy baked made of fermented products having unique scent of baked goods. Fermentation is also called chocolate cake stand, divided according to their recipe salty fermented bread and sweet fermented bread.
Cracker: wheat flour, sugar, oil as the main raw material, adding spices and other materials, powder through transfer molding, crackers, baked goods made from baking.
Cookies: wheat flour, sugar, dairy products as the main raw material, adding a leavening agent and other materials to the surface and, using the squeeze, squeeze bars, wire cutting and other sections of the form molding process, made of baking having a three-dimensional pattern or corrugated surface regularly, containing high fat crisp baked goods.
Biscuit: between two biscuits added sugar, fat or jam sandwich for all major raw material of sandwich baked goods.
Saltine crackers: wheat flour (glutinous rice flour), starch as the main raw material, adding emulsifier, loose materials, etc., to bring up the powder, pouring, baking and baked goods made crunchy type. Also known as waffles.
Round egg biscuit: wheat flour, sugar, eggs as the main raw material, adding bulking agent, fragrances and other accessories, with whipping, mashing, pouring, baking and made crispy baked goods, commonly known as egg-based cookies.
Omelet: wheat flour, sugar, eggs as the main raw material, adding bulking agent, fragrances and other accessories, with whipping, mashing (fermented or not fermented), casting or linked to pulp, baking rolling a crispy baked goods .
Sticky flower biscuit: wheat flour, sugar, oil as the main raw material, dairy products, egg products, bulking agent, perfumes and accessories through the surface, forming, baking, cooling, surface Decorating sticky sugar flowers, made of loose dried baked goods.
Blisters Biscuits: wheat flour, sugar, eggs as the main raw material, leavening agents, after quenching powder, repeatedly rolling, molding, blanched in boiling water, cold water immersion, baked loose with a rich flavor of baked goods made.
Pizza Biscuits: Based on the biscuit production, add fruit pieces (bergamot fruit, blueberries, cranberries, etc.), red beans, corn, purple potato, black beans, black rice and other materials, increased health elements.